Friday, April 23, 2010

what does class say

i stole this
change the class to light side

The prima donnas of Shaiya. Used to being the center of attention, whether in a party or in PVP. Who else do you see charging into the center of a group of enemies, spinning around with crazy pirouettes, then screaming manically about hacks if they get killed? If you do not buff them, heal them, or follow their lead, expect to be thoroughly verbally abused. These guys and girls do big damage, have insane gear, and expect to be treated as the gods and goddesses they are. Then again, we get to hang on while these crazy folks go out there and kill lights by the hundreds, so I guess we can tolerate them. I may or may not be rolling my eyes at the moment.

Two types:

The rec guards tend to be laid back, relaxed individuals. The ultimate team players, these guys are ready and able to take pain so that their teammates don't have to. Often self-effacing, but always huggable, these guys tend to shrug and say "oh well, better me than you guys" when they die. Count on them to buff you like crazy, make fun of their own lack of damage skill, and NEVER, EVER dayfly just themselves to avoid getting killed. In fact, if they could dayfly you and not themselves, they probably would. And give you hugs and kisses while they bit the dust.

Battle guards are the complete polar opposite. They tend to be high strung, and rightly so. They are natural leaders, just ask them. They will happily summon you across the map, order you around, and get even more pissed than warriors when they get killed. However, given that 99/100 times they are simply erasered or reginaed, they tend to laugh off their deaths a little more. It's always a good idea to listen to these guys, because much like women and our (edited for general forums), they have something that you desperately need. (DF, POG, etc.)

A little less demanding than warriors. Hunters are used to soloing. They tend to view parties and raids with minor disdain, appreciating the backup and meat shields, but knowing full well that they do not need 30 people running around like idiots to get their kills. Their idea of fun is sneaking up to a PP of lights in jungle and seeing how many they can wipe out before the lights even realize they're being attacked. There's not much to be said about these folks. Honestly, they scare me a little.

Almost universally the nicest people in the game, oddly enough. Like hunters, they can easily solo, but tend not to have the evil streak that most hunters do. I suppose it's mostly because they look their victims right in the eyes when they slaughter them, so maybe they feel more guilt. I don't know. Either way, these folks tend to be great team players in raids, often just happy to be there since they're not always seen as key players. Which is ridiculous, since any class that can DPS, debuff, scout, sneak attack, and run & summon behind enemy lines is pretty bad *** and vital. And that more or less describes most sins.. quiet badasses who always find creative ways to make themselves useful. Don't worry about pissing them off, you never will.

An odd bunch. They tend to be a little fatalistic about the fact that EP4 totally screwed them over, but nevertheless they find creative ways to still be devastating PVPers. I think because of the nerfing of their class, they've all gone a little crazy and tend to do weird builds with lots of Rec and Luck and weapon debuffs. They're all probably mentally unstable underneath it all, but still are pretty easy going people. However, special note of caution.... if you're a warrior, make sure you don't tell them that you're better single target DPS, better at AOE, and with stinger are just as good at ranged combat. You might make the pagan player mad and he'll kill and eat your children.

Almost universally female, oracles are the touchiest class of players. Our job is to look out for you big stupid lugs as you run around into the middle of enemy lines and get yourself beat up. We know full well you suck with potting, so we have to drop EVERYTHING we're doing to dispel your fat *** since you're rooted to the ground but don't have your **** pots hotkeyed so instead you stand there jumping up and down going "dispel plz!!!!" while getting beaten on, and then demand to be healed not realizing that we're getting attacked too and can't take three seconds to cast recovery since all those fighters you just let by us are kicking our asses ffs. Oh, and then when you die, you say useful things like "rez plz", which is just great because I'm TOTALLY going to find six free seconds to resurrect you just because you're too lazy to res yourself and movement back. Great, so I can stop dispelling the other nublets for six seconds so I can get yelled at even MORE??????? UGH!!!!!Where was I? Right, so, be nice to your oracles. We like shiny stuff. Give us nice gear, buy us those pretty lapis gem thingies, give us mana pots, and compliment us a lot, and we'll go to the ends of the earth for you. After all, without us, what would you all do? :)

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