here what i am thinking bacise one what i know about the grb.
there 30-60 cant get to old willow unless the boss in the 1-15 and the boss in the 16-30 are kill. the 30 lvls cant get to the 1-15 lvl are unless the 15 lvl boss is killed.
so here my plan first we kill the 15 lvl boss.
next i need at lest one acher 2 prsit one def (me) and 3 fighter.
the roll of each per in the party is this. the acher protected the prist the prst heal the fighter and me. lets kill the boss.
plan b if we died then we bring in back up toons as you die the path is open buy etins along the way go kill the 1-15 mob they are 11 point each and should be white for you
below is what i do know about the grb
The Guild Ranking Battle (GRB) is a weekly event held every Saturday at 12PM PST (-8 GMT) that allows guilds to amass ranking points by killing the mobs and bosses found in an instanced battlefield and obtain Etin from them as well. None of the kills in the GRB give experience but do give Ranking Points, nor are there drops of any kind except Etin coins and those only from the bosses.
To reach the battlefield you need to speak to the Guild Management gatekeeper who will send you to the waiting room for the battle. The Guild Management gatekeeper can be found in the main city of map one for each faction ; Reikeuseu and Erina. Once the portal within the waiting room opens, you may enter and fight for your guild's advancement.
Amassed points determine a guild's rank when compared to other guilds throughout the faction on that server, important mainly as only the top 30 guilds can utilize a Guild House and it's in the Guild House where the Etin comes into play.
There are 3 main zones in the battlefield (1-15, 16-30, 31-60), to enter a particular zone step through the respective Barrier (A, B, or C) with a character of appropriate level. Each zone has a boss within that will cause another portal to open upon their death somewhere on the battlefield.
This is the only way to progress within the battlefield, each zone must do their part so that the other zones can progress further and eventually defeat Old Willow.
NOTE : If you die in the GRB and are not resurrected by an outside source (i.e. Healer or Target Res Rune), you will be removed from the GRB instance and find yourself back in the Guild Managment Office. UM Characters in the GRB do require runes / healer resurrection to prevent deletion, but a UM that uses a regular or continuous Rune will find themselves back in the Guild Management Office.
Name Type Zone Points Etin Opens...
Sirvana Dryad Mob 1-15 11 -- --
Sirvana Mandrake Mob 1-15 11 -- --
Sirvana Boss 1-15 1299 100 Portal 1
Kailion Chaser Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Kailion Guard Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Kailion Boss 16-30 ? 100 --
Silvanus Archer Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Silvanus SentinelMob 16-30 9 -- --
Silvanus Boss 16-30 ? 100 Portal 3
Pantera Warrior Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Shaman Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Boss 31-60 ? 100 Portal 5
Pantera Archer Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Zealot Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Eiphilos Boss -- ? ? Portal 4
Old Willow Boss -- ? ? --

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