i get lost all the time so this is great
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
where to go next
Pandora is a great server.
More Euro stylez tho.
People who like playing HR will love it.
LR will mostly hate it.
Pandora is a great server.
More Euro stylez tho.
People who like playing HR will love it.
LR will mostly hate it.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This is the answer given by Aeri.a:
Add sender to Contacts
Dear WaterDrop,
As this is most likely about the Shaiya Evolution issue... let me
adress that directly
This isnt about Aeri.a Games... it is about SonoV. Aeri.a Games is
mearly acting as its agent.
The Shaiya Evolution servers were operating with stolen software, and
were not paying the developers for a licence. As such they were forced
to shut down.
If someone wishes to operate a Shaiya server, they need to obtain a
licence to do this from SonoV. Once they have a licence, they can
operate the server, and not have these legal issues.
Best of luck in your endeavors
Team directly. "
Add sender to Contacts
Dear WaterDrop,
As this is most likely about the Shaiya Evolution issue... let me
adress that directly
This isnt about Aeri.a Games... it is about SonoV. Aeri.a Games is
mearly acting as its agent.
The Shaiya Evolution servers were operating with stolen software, and
were not paying the developers for a licence. As such they were forced
to shut down.
If someone wishes to operate a Shaiya server, they need to obtain a
licence to do this from SonoV. Once they have a licence, they can
operate the server, and not have these legal issues.
Best of luck in your endeavors
Team directly. "
just so you know
It is with regret that I have to inform you that the result of this notice we will be taking the Game Servers permanently Off-line in less than 48-Hours.
We thank you all for your support to what it became and is unfortunate that something like this has occurred and is very upsetting to us all. We wish you all the very best in the future.
Kind regards,
Shaiya Evolution Team.
We thank you all for your support to what it became and is unfortunate that something like this has occurred and is very upsetting to us all. We wish you all the very best in the future.
Kind regards,
Shaiya Evolution Team.
Friday, April 23, 2010
what does class say
i stole this
change the class to light side
The prima donnas of Shaiya. Used to being the center of attention, whether in a party or in PVP. Who else do you see charging into the center of a group of enemies, spinning around with crazy pirouettes, then screaming manically about hacks if they get killed? If you do not buff them, heal them, or follow their lead, expect to be thoroughly verbally abused. These guys and girls do big damage, have insane gear, and expect to be treated as the gods and goddesses they are. Then again, we get to hang on while these crazy folks go out there and kill lights by the hundreds, so I guess we can tolerate them. I may or may not be rolling my eyes at the moment.
Two types:
The rec guards tend to be laid back, relaxed individuals. The ultimate team players, these guys are ready and able to take pain so that their teammates don't have to. Often self-effacing, but always huggable, these guys tend to shrug and say "oh well, better me than you guys" when they die. Count on them to buff you like crazy, make fun of their own lack of damage skill, and NEVER, EVER dayfly just themselves to avoid getting killed. In fact, if they could dayfly you and not themselves, they probably would. And give you hugs and kisses while they bit the dust.
Battle guards are the complete polar opposite. They tend to be high strung, and rightly so. They are natural leaders, just ask them. They will happily summon you across the map, order you around, and get even more pissed than warriors when they get killed. However, given that 99/100 times they are simply erasered or reginaed, they tend to laugh off their deaths a little more. It's always a good idea to listen to these guys, because much like women and our (edited for general forums), they have something that you desperately need. (DF, POG, etc.)
A little less demanding than warriors. Hunters are used to soloing. They tend to view parties and raids with minor disdain, appreciating the backup and meat shields, but knowing full well that they do not need 30 people running around like idiots to get their kills. Their idea of fun is sneaking up to a PP of lights in jungle and seeing how many they can wipe out before the lights even realize they're being attacked. There's not much to be said about these folks. Honestly, they scare me a little.
Almost universally the nicest people in the game, oddly enough. Like hunters, they can easily solo, but tend not to have the evil streak that most hunters do. I suppose it's mostly because they look their victims right in the eyes when they slaughter them, so maybe they feel more guilt. I don't know. Either way, these folks tend to be great team players in raids, often just happy to be there since they're not always seen as key players. Which is ridiculous, since any class that can DPS, debuff, scout, sneak attack, and run & summon behind enemy lines is pretty bad *** and vital. And that more or less describes most sins.. quiet badasses who always find creative ways to make themselves useful. Don't worry about pissing them off, you never will.
An odd bunch. They tend to be a little fatalistic about the fact that EP4 totally screwed them over, but nevertheless they find creative ways to still be devastating PVPers. I think because of the nerfing of their class, they've all gone a little crazy and tend to do weird builds with lots of Rec and Luck and weapon debuffs. They're all probably mentally unstable underneath it all, but still are pretty easy going people. However, special note of caution.... if you're a warrior, make sure you don't tell them that you're better single target DPS, better at AOE, and with stinger are just as good at ranged combat. You might make the pagan player mad and he'll kill and eat your children.
Almost universally female, oracles are the touchiest class of players. Our job is to look out for you big stupid lugs as you run around into the middle of enemy lines and get yourself beat up. We know full well you suck with potting, so we have to drop EVERYTHING we're doing to dispel your fat *** since you're rooted to the ground but don't have your **** pots hotkeyed so instead you stand there jumping up and down going "dispel plz!!!!" while getting beaten on, and then demand to be healed not realizing that we're getting attacked too and can't take three seconds to cast recovery since all those fighters you just let by us are kicking our asses ffs. Oh, and then when you die, you say useful things like "rez plz", which is just great because I'm TOTALLY going to find six free seconds to resurrect you just because you're too lazy to res yourself and movement back. Great, so I can stop dispelling the other nublets for six seconds so I can get yelled at even MORE??????? UGH!!!!!Where was I? Right, so, be nice to your oracles. We like shiny stuff. Give us nice gear, buy us those pretty lapis gem thingies, give us mana pots, and compliment us a lot, and we'll go to the ends of the earth for you. After all, without us, what would you all do? :)
change the class to light side
The prima donnas of Shaiya. Used to being the center of attention, whether in a party or in PVP. Who else do you see charging into the center of a group of enemies, spinning around with crazy pirouettes, then screaming manically about hacks if they get killed? If you do not buff them, heal them, or follow their lead, expect to be thoroughly verbally abused. These guys and girls do big damage, have insane gear, and expect to be treated as the gods and goddesses they are. Then again, we get to hang on while these crazy folks go out there and kill lights by the hundreds, so I guess we can tolerate them. I may or may not be rolling my eyes at the moment.
Two types:
The rec guards tend to be laid back, relaxed individuals. The ultimate team players, these guys are ready and able to take pain so that their teammates don't have to. Often self-effacing, but always huggable, these guys tend to shrug and say "oh well, better me than you guys" when they die. Count on them to buff you like crazy, make fun of their own lack of damage skill, and NEVER, EVER dayfly just themselves to avoid getting killed. In fact, if they could dayfly you and not themselves, they probably would. And give you hugs and kisses while they bit the dust.
Battle guards are the complete polar opposite. They tend to be high strung, and rightly so. They are natural leaders, just ask them. They will happily summon you across the map, order you around, and get even more pissed than warriors when they get killed. However, given that 99/100 times they are simply erasered or reginaed, they tend to laugh off their deaths a little more. It's always a good idea to listen to these guys, because much like women and our (edited for general forums), they have something that you desperately need. (DF, POG, etc.)
A little less demanding than warriors. Hunters are used to soloing. They tend to view parties and raids with minor disdain, appreciating the backup and meat shields, but knowing full well that they do not need 30 people running around like idiots to get their kills. Their idea of fun is sneaking up to a PP of lights in jungle and seeing how many they can wipe out before the lights even realize they're being attacked. There's not much to be said about these folks. Honestly, they scare me a little.
Almost universally the nicest people in the game, oddly enough. Like hunters, they can easily solo, but tend not to have the evil streak that most hunters do. I suppose it's mostly because they look their victims right in the eyes when they slaughter them, so maybe they feel more guilt. I don't know. Either way, these folks tend to be great team players in raids, often just happy to be there since they're not always seen as key players. Which is ridiculous, since any class that can DPS, debuff, scout, sneak attack, and run & summon behind enemy lines is pretty bad *** and vital. And that more or less describes most sins.. quiet badasses who always find creative ways to make themselves useful. Don't worry about pissing them off, you never will.
An odd bunch. They tend to be a little fatalistic about the fact that EP4 totally screwed them over, but nevertheless they find creative ways to still be devastating PVPers. I think because of the nerfing of their class, they've all gone a little crazy and tend to do weird builds with lots of Rec and Luck and weapon debuffs. They're all probably mentally unstable underneath it all, but still are pretty easy going people. However, special note of caution.... if you're a warrior, make sure you don't tell them that you're better single target DPS, better at AOE, and with stinger are just as good at ranged combat. You might make the pagan player mad and he'll kill and eat your children.
Almost universally female, oracles are the touchiest class of players. Our job is to look out for you big stupid lugs as you run around into the middle of enemy lines and get yourself beat up. We know full well you suck with potting, so we have to drop EVERYTHING we're doing to dispel your fat *** since you're rooted to the ground but don't have your **** pots hotkeyed so instead you stand there jumping up and down going "dispel plz!!!!" while getting beaten on, and then demand to be healed not realizing that we're getting attacked too and can't take three seconds to cast recovery since all those fighters you just let by us are kicking our asses ffs. Oh, and then when you die, you say useful things like "rez plz", which is just great because I'm TOTALLY going to find six free seconds to resurrect you just because you're too lazy to res yourself and movement back. Great, so I can stop dispelling the other nublets for six seconds so I can get yelled at even MORE??????? UGH!!!!!Where was I? Right, so, be nice to your oracles. We like shiny stuff. Give us nice gear, buy us those pretty lapis gem thingies, give us mana pots, and compliment us a lot, and we'll go to the ends of the earth for you. After all, without us, what would you all do? :)
im guildless
after a long week of my guild being hopeless i quit.
if you have a guild that hug i might like to join.
if you have a guild that hug i might like to join.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Avoid Kill Stealing Conflicts
i did not write this but i think it worth reading
A Guide to Avoid Kill Stealing Conflicts
--Kill stealing, it can happen anywhere, anytime, any game. What could start out as a complete accident can quickly be turned into a fight however without the proper steps kept in mind. So with that in mind, I have decided to put together a small guide of hints and tips to avoid those sticky situations with other players.
**Note: This Guide is not meant to say that all kill stealing issues are accidental. There are and will always continue to be cases of purposeful kill stealing, and there are tips to manage those here as well.**
Part 1- Accidents Happen
--Everyone is human, and everyone will make mistakes every now and then. It’s very possible that your “kill stealer” might have accidentally attacked your mob by clicking on it without seeing you, or even auto attacked it without realizing that there was another person in the area. It’s even possible to have this happen to you two or three times if you’re in a small grinding spot. The best thing to do in this situation is to stop and negotiate before things get out of hand.
1) If you are the kill stealer and have stolen someone else’s kill, don’t be afraid to apologize! Just attacking a mob and killing it then making no effort to apologize might lead some to believe that it was on purpose. Sometimes it’s just a polite thing to do to apologize and try not to do it again.
2) If you are the one that was ks’d, don’t immediately attack the other person! It’s best just to wait it out and see if it happens again then yell at them after the first time again. If it happens again, kindly ask them to not steal your mobs.
3) Whatever you do, do not steal kills back out of spite! If somebody accidentally steals your kill, it might make them angry to steal one of their mobs! This can lead to fighting and even major competition for mobs, and ultimately a ticket sent for harassment.
4) Negotiations! If your grinding spot is small but nice, somebody else might come along and try to grind as well. Remember, you can’t technically claim spots, so if they accidentally take one of your mobs don’t immediately attack them with words. Try to make peaceful negotiations to share the area by dividing it in half, or even invite the other person to your party if you have room.
Part 2- Repeated Kill Stealing And Harassment
--Yes, there have been cases and there will always continue to be cases of intentional kill stealing. These situations can be very stressful, but with a proper approach can be handled in a decent and nonviolent manner. In an intentional kill stealing situation there are several things that you can do to avoid conflict.
1) Attempt to make kind words and negotiations. Though this may not always work, it is worth a shot to negotiate with others to keep a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. If all works well, things should be settled within a short matter of time and everyone can continue to grind peacefully.
2) If the accused kill stealer is purposely kill stealing you as to a point where they are intentionally impeding your game play, do not be afraid to send in a ticket if you feel harassed. Harassment is no joke, and I myself am always wishing everyone a safe and happy gaming experience.
3) Evacuate the area immediately. Yes, this is not ideal if you are in the middle of grinding, but if you feel that there is no hope and tempers are going to a boil it would be a better idea to sit back and cool down. There are several grinding spots for each range of levels in the world of Shaiya, so feel free to venture out and find another spot to grind. This way you can still level without the pressure of somebody constantly taking your mobs.
4) Remember to keep your cool! If you verbally assault your kill stealer you are just as much at fault as they are! Even if they are harassing you by intentionally stealing your mobs, verbally harassing them back is not the answer. This could lead to the kill stealer to screenie and send in a ticket on you as well.
5) Contact a Game Sage. I myself as a Game Sage know that we have no ability to force anybody to leave a spot or to stop stealing your mobs, but if need be contact a Game Sage. If you are unsure of what to do in the situation or are frustrated and need to rant, I’m sure a Game Sage would be happy to assist you. Though it may not do much, we can always attempt to whisper the kill stealer and ask for peace. However, contacting a Game Sage is not a one hundred percent guarantee that your kill stealing issue will be solved.
6) If all else fails, log out and take a break. If it gets to the point where the kill stealing is so serious to the point where it is greatly stressing you, do not hesitate to log out for a little while. Whether it be only ten minutes or so, so you can come back and check to see if the ks’er is gone, or whether it be a few hours, taking a bit of time away from game would be great to avoid conflict.
Part 3- Respect For Your Fellow Players
--There have been several cases where kill stealing conflicts have come up due to innocent misunderstands or accidents that were not properly acted on. Remember that the person on the other side of that pixilated screen is also human, and most likely has emotions just like you. Showing respect towards your fellow players shows that you are kind and polite and will be beneficial to everyone.
1) Grinding spot lists is a big topic here. Grinding lists were created to hold an organized document of people that want to grind in a small area or spot that gives great exp. Chances are there are several people on this list at once and there is one person that is in charge of the list until they leave the area.
2) No! In no way am I saying that you must follow the grinding spot list for a certain area. If you want to go kill in that area nobody is going to stop you except the party that is already there. I am just explaining that respect for your fellow players by allowing them to grind in peace while you wait for your turn is the kind thing to do. This prevents any conflicts to occur from either grinding party and keeps a friendly and peaceful atmosphere.
3) If you feel that the person in charge of the grinding list is being unfair or impartial, attempt to wait it out until that person has left the area. If you intentionally go to that spot to kill steal their party because you feel that they were impartial, you have now set yourself up for a possible ticket for harassment.
4) Negotiations are always a key factor! If possible, try to negotiate a deal with the other party. Perhaps you can split the spot fifty-fifty, or maybe even take turns tanking the area. Though it may not be ideal, it’s always nice to get along with your fellow players than to cause conflict.
Part 4- Last But Definitely Not Least
--Keep in mind that this is a game, and it was designed to provide entertainment to everyone that wants to join, not to cause conflict with somebody that you can’t even speak to face to face. Sometimes it is just best to walk away for a while before a conflict arises than to start a fight yourself. Trying to keep everyone happy and their game play experience great is something we should all try and do for each other.
--This guide was meant to give a few tips and suggestions in what to do during certain kill stealing situations to avoid conflict. I would be more than happy to take suggestions to add to this guide, but please make them reasonable. I understand that people will want to add rants to this topic due to issues with kill stealing in the past, but remember this is just to try and avoid sticky situations. Just like we want to do in-game, let’s attempt to keep suggestions and replies to this guide friendly and
A Guide to Avoid Kill Stealing Conflicts
--Kill stealing, it can happen anywhere, anytime, any game. What could start out as a complete accident can quickly be turned into a fight however without the proper steps kept in mind. So with that in mind, I have decided to put together a small guide of hints and tips to avoid those sticky situations with other players.
**Note: This Guide is not meant to say that all kill stealing issues are accidental. There are and will always continue to be cases of purposeful kill stealing, and there are tips to manage those here as well.**
Part 1- Accidents Happen
--Everyone is human, and everyone will make mistakes every now and then. It’s very possible that your “kill stealer” might have accidentally attacked your mob by clicking on it without seeing you, or even auto attacked it without realizing that there was another person in the area. It’s even possible to have this happen to you two or three times if you’re in a small grinding spot. The best thing to do in this situation is to stop and negotiate before things get out of hand.
1) If you are the kill stealer and have stolen someone else’s kill, don’t be afraid to apologize! Just attacking a mob and killing it then making no effort to apologize might lead some to believe that it was on purpose. Sometimes it’s just a polite thing to do to apologize and try not to do it again.
2) If you are the one that was ks’d, don’t immediately attack the other person! It’s best just to wait it out and see if it happens again then yell at them after the first time again. If it happens again, kindly ask them to not steal your mobs.
3) Whatever you do, do not steal kills back out of spite! If somebody accidentally steals your kill, it might make them angry to steal one of their mobs! This can lead to fighting and even major competition for mobs, and ultimately a ticket sent for harassment.
4) Negotiations! If your grinding spot is small but nice, somebody else might come along and try to grind as well. Remember, you can’t technically claim spots, so if they accidentally take one of your mobs don’t immediately attack them with words. Try to make peaceful negotiations to share the area by dividing it in half, or even invite the other person to your party if you have room.
Part 2- Repeated Kill Stealing And Harassment
--Yes, there have been cases and there will always continue to be cases of intentional kill stealing. These situations can be very stressful, but with a proper approach can be handled in a decent and nonviolent manner. In an intentional kill stealing situation there are several things that you can do to avoid conflict.
1) Attempt to make kind words and negotiations. Though this may not always work, it is worth a shot to negotiate with others to keep a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. If all works well, things should be settled within a short matter of time and everyone can continue to grind peacefully.
2) If the accused kill stealer is purposely kill stealing you as to a point where they are intentionally impeding your game play, do not be afraid to send in a ticket if you feel harassed. Harassment is no joke, and I myself am always wishing everyone a safe and happy gaming experience.
3) Evacuate the area immediately. Yes, this is not ideal if you are in the middle of grinding, but if you feel that there is no hope and tempers are going to a boil it would be a better idea to sit back and cool down. There are several grinding spots for each range of levels in the world of Shaiya, so feel free to venture out and find another spot to grind. This way you can still level without the pressure of somebody constantly taking your mobs.
4) Remember to keep your cool! If you verbally assault your kill stealer you are just as much at fault as they are! Even if they are harassing you by intentionally stealing your mobs, verbally harassing them back is not the answer. This could lead to the kill stealer to screenie and send in a ticket on you as well.
5) Contact a Game Sage. I myself as a Game Sage know that we have no ability to force anybody to leave a spot or to stop stealing your mobs, but if need be contact a Game Sage. If you are unsure of what to do in the situation or are frustrated and need to rant, I’m sure a Game Sage would be happy to assist you. Though it may not do much, we can always attempt to whisper the kill stealer and ask for peace. However, contacting a Game Sage is not a one hundred percent guarantee that your kill stealing issue will be solved.
6) If all else fails, log out and take a break. If it gets to the point where the kill stealing is so serious to the point where it is greatly stressing you, do not hesitate to log out for a little while. Whether it be only ten minutes or so, so you can come back and check to see if the ks’er is gone, or whether it be a few hours, taking a bit of time away from game would be great to avoid conflict.
Part 3- Respect For Your Fellow Players
--There have been several cases where kill stealing conflicts have come up due to innocent misunderstands or accidents that were not properly acted on. Remember that the person on the other side of that pixilated screen is also human, and most likely has emotions just like you. Showing respect towards your fellow players shows that you are kind and polite and will be beneficial to everyone.
1) Grinding spot lists is a big topic here. Grinding lists were created to hold an organized document of people that want to grind in a small area or spot that gives great exp. Chances are there are several people on this list at once and there is one person that is in charge of the list until they leave the area.
2) No! In no way am I saying that you must follow the grinding spot list for a certain area. If you want to go kill in that area nobody is going to stop you except the party that is already there. I am just explaining that respect for your fellow players by allowing them to grind in peace while you wait for your turn is the kind thing to do. This prevents any conflicts to occur from either grinding party and keeps a friendly and peaceful atmosphere.
3) If you feel that the person in charge of the grinding list is being unfair or impartial, attempt to wait it out until that person has left the area. If you intentionally go to that spot to kill steal their party because you feel that they were impartial, you have now set yourself up for a possible ticket for harassment.
4) Negotiations are always a key factor! If possible, try to negotiate a deal with the other party. Perhaps you can split the spot fifty-fifty, or maybe even take turns tanking the area. Though it may not be ideal, it’s always nice to get along with your fellow players than to cause conflict.
Part 4- Last But Definitely Not Least
--Keep in mind that this is a game, and it was designed to provide entertainment to everyone that wants to join, not to cause conflict with somebody that you can’t even speak to face to face. Sometimes it is just best to walk away for a while before a conflict arises than to start a fight yourself. Trying to keep everyone happy and their game play experience great is something we should all try and do for each other.
--This guide was meant to give a few tips and suggestions in what to do during certain kill stealing situations to avoid conflict. I would be more than happy to take suggestions to add to this guide, but please make them reasonable. I understand that people will want to add rants to this topic due to issues with kill stealing in the past, but remember this is just to try and avoid sticky situations. Just like we want to do in-game, let’s attempt to keep suggestions and replies to this guide friendly and
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
come to the grb
my plan for the next grb.
here what i am thinking bacise one what i know about the grb.
there 30-60 cant get to old willow unless the boss in the 1-15 and the boss in the 16-30 are kill. the 30 lvls cant get to the 1-15 lvl are unless the 15 lvl boss is killed.
so here my plan first we kill the 15 lvl boss.
next i need at lest one acher 2 prsit one def (me) and 3 fighter.
the roll of each per in the party is this. the acher protected the prist the prst heal the fighter and me. lets kill the boss.
plan b if we died then we bring in back up toons as you die the path is open buy etins along the way go kill the 1-15 mob they are 11 point each and should be white for you
below is what i do know about the grb
The Guild Ranking Battle (GRB) is a weekly event held every Saturday at 12PM PST (-8 GMT) that allows guilds to amass ranking points by killing the mobs and bosses found in an instanced battlefield and obtain Etin from them as well. None of the kills in the GRB give experience but do give Ranking Points, nor are there drops of any kind except Etin coins and those only from the bosses.
To reach the battlefield you need to speak to the Guild Management gatekeeper who will send you to the waiting room for the battle. The Guild Management gatekeeper can be found in the main city of map one for each faction ; Reikeuseu and Erina. Once the portal within the waiting room opens, you may enter and fight for your guild's advancement.
Amassed points determine a guild's rank when compared to other guilds throughout the faction on that server, important mainly as only the top 30 guilds can utilize a Guild House and it's in the Guild House where the Etin comes into play.
There are 3 main zones in the battlefield (1-15, 16-30, 31-60), to enter a particular zone step through the respective Barrier (A, B, or C) with a character of appropriate level. Each zone has a boss within that will cause another portal to open upon their death somewhere on the battlefield.
This is the only way to progress within the battlefield, each zone must do their part so that the other zones can progress further and eventually defeat Old Willow.
NOTE : If you die in the GRB and are not resurrected by an outside source (i.e. Healer or Target Res Rune), you will be removed from the GRB instance and find yourself back in the Guild Managment Office. UM Characters in the GRB do require runes / healer resurrection to prevent deletion, but a UM that uses a regular or continuous Rune will find themselves back in the Guild Management Office.
Name Type Zone Points Etin Opens...
Sirvana Dryad Mob 1-15 11 -- --
Sirvana Mandrake Mob 1-15 11 -- --
Sirvana Boss 1-15 1299 100 Portal 1
Kailion Chaser Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Kailion Guard Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Kailion Boss 16-30 ? 100 --
Silvanus Archer Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Silvanus SentinelMob 16-30 9 -- --
Silvanus Boss 16-30 ? 100 Portal 3
Pantera Warrior Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Shaman Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Boss 31-60 ? 100 Portal 5
Pantera Archer Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Zealot Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Eiphilos Boss -- ? ? Portal 4
Old Willow Boss -- ? ? --
here what i am thinking bacise one what i know about the grb.
there 30-60 cant get to old willow unless the boss in the 1-15 and the boss in the 16-30 are kill. the 30 lvls cant get to the 1-15 lvl are unless the 15 lvl boss is killed.
so here my plan first we kill the 15 lvl boss.
next i need at lest one acher 2 prsit one def (me) and 3 fighter.
the roll of each per in the party is this. the acher protected the prist the prst heal the fighter and me. lets kill the boss.
plan b if we died then we bring in back up toons as you die the path is open buy etins along the way go kill the 1-15 mob they are 11 point each and should be white for you
below is what i do know about the grb
The Guild Ranking Battle (GRB) is a weekly event held every Saturday at 12PM PST (-8 GMT) that allows guilds to amass ranking points by killing the mobs and bosses found in an instanced battlefield and obtain Etin from them as well. None of the kills in the GRB give experience but do give Ranking Points, nor are there drops of any kind except Etin coins and those only from the bosses.
To reach the battlefield you need to speak to the Guild Management gatekeeper who will send you to the waiting room for the battle. The Guild Management gatekeeper can be found in the main city of map one for each faction ; Reikeuseu and Erina. Once the portal within the waiting room opens, you may enter and fight for your guild's advancement.
Amassed points determine a guild's rank when compared to other guilds throughout the faction on that server, important mainly as only the top 30 guilds can utilize a Guild House and it's in the Guild House where the Etin comes into play.
There are 3 main zones in the battlefield (1-15, 16-30, 31-60), to enter a particular zone step through the respective Barrier (A, B, or C) with a character of appropriate level. Each zone has a boss within that will cause another portal to open upon their death somewhere on the battlefield.
This is the only way to progress within the battlefield, each zone must do their part so that the other zones can progress further and eventually defeat Old Willow.
NOTE : If you die in the GRB and are not resurrected by an outside source (i.e. Healer or Target Res Rune), you will be removed from the GRB instance and find yourself back in the Guild Managment Office. UM Characters in the GRB do require runes / healer resurrection to prevent deletion, but a UM that uses a regular or continuous Rune will find themselves back in the Guild Management Office.
Name Type Zone Points Etin Opens...
Sirvana Dryad Mob 1-15 11 -- --
Sirvana Mandrake Mob 1-15 11 -- --
Sirvana Boss 1-15 1299 100 Portal 1
Kailion Chaser Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Kailion Guard Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Kailion Boss 16-30 ? 100 --
Silvanus Archer Mob 16-30 9 -- --
Silvanus SentinelMob 16-30 9 -- --
Silvanus Boss 16-30 ? 100 Portal 3
Pantera Warrior Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Shaman Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Boss 31-60 ? 100 Portal 5
Pantera Archer Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Pantera Zealot Mob 31-60 7 -- --
Eiphilos Boss -- ? ? Portal 4
Old Willow Boss -- ? ? --

Sunday, April 11, 2010
talk to me
we always have alot to say when we are play and sometime it hard to type, and for some like me who like to play mages and has dyslexia it can be real hard. for a long time ppl thought i did not speak English. but here and idea many ppl use Ventrilo use the is link to download it. now that you down loaded i need a mic. one thing you can use i your blue tooth yes the same blue tooth you use with your cell phone can be use with your computer. just follow these step
first check if your computer has blue tooth. to do this look in the go to the start menu then look at control panel or connect to one of then should show if you have blue tooth. if u do follow the steps. if not then you can buy a blue tooth adapter. most are about $20-$50 and easy to use next thing you know you ll be talk to the guild.
first check if your computer has blue tooth. to do this look in the go to the start menu then look at control panel or connect to one of then should show if you have blue tooth. if u do follow the steps. if not then you can buy a blue tooth adapter. most are about $20-$50 and easy to use next thing you know you ll be talk to the guild.
Friday, April 9, 2010
here a list of some stuff you might want to keep
here a list of some stuff you might want to keep
The only thing you may need to buy besides Rillan, are the Gold Abels, Spirit Cores, Magic Leather.
They seem to be a bit harder to find than the others.
[Most of this stuff is taken from Wolfheart's thread on the Shaiya Forums. Just making it easier for us or me anyways] Will add to it as we go through HM.
Save these items:
**Listed in order of Quest Level
Spirit Core | Total Needed: 60 lvl 30 Helmet Quest & lvl 45 Epic Weapon Quest
* Rockshovel Goblin Leaders and Bodyguard
* Swordtail Sealakel Fighters, Shamans and Disorderlies
* Blackbeards
* Slaves, Deckhands, Sword Fighters
**I've had the best luck with Sealakels
Mare Core | Total Needed: 30 lvl 37 Helmet Quest
* Mobs in the Frost Woods area (map2)
Pint Cores | Total Needed: 30 lvl 44 Helmet Quest
* Mobs lvl 30-40 on Map3
* Maitreyan Guard Statues
Gold Abel | Total Needed: 90 lvl 45 Epic Weapon Quest
* 1st map monsters around the cities
Adamars stone | Total Needed:40 lvl 45 Epic Quest
* Mobs on Map3 or Cloron's Lair on Map1
Magic leather | Total Needed: 20 lvl 45 Epic Quest
* Maitreyan Beholders
* 1-60 PvP Zone north path, Bison and Wolves
Rillan | Total Needed: 99 lvl 45 Epic Weapon Quest
* Purchase from any Liquid Medicine NPC
Hard Hammers | Total Needed: 5 lvl 50 Helmet Quest
* Cloron Gladiators
Endure Lapis LV3 | Total Needed: 3 lvl 50 Helmet Quest
* 1-60 PvP Zone middle path, Skeleton Wizards, Commanders, etc
* Dungeons on the Karis map as well
Dark Mages Stone | Total Needed: 15 lvl 50 Helmet Quest
* Northern Part of Map3, or the Southern Part?
Repeatable Quest Items that give you Buff Potions:
To get these rewards btw, you have to click the area where there normally would be text of the reward.
If you get a coin looking item that has a bunch of "??" sell it to the npc because it is a bugged item.
On Map2 by Arktuis Vill:
* Essence of Witch [INT/WIS]
* Thin Meats [STR/REC]
* Broken Cores [DEX/LUC]
On Map 3 by Huigronn Stronghold:
* Golden Scissors [INT/WIS]
* Dark Mages Stone [STR/REC]
* Pint Core - [DEX/LUC]
Make sure to check your loots before selling it to the NPC.
Some drops are quest activated by Right Clicking on the item.
So far Items known:
* Rotten Woods - Wild Field Brown Bear [Credit: UnAngelik]
* Discoloured Leather Bag - Attained from 'A scouter in Out of Contact' Quest [Credit: zeretor]
The only thing you may need to buy besides Rillan, are the Gold Abels, Spirit Cores, Magic Leather.
They seem to be a bit harder to find than the others.
[Most of this stuff is taken from Wolfheart's thread on the Shaiya Forums. Just making it easier for us or me anyways] Will add to it as we go through HM.
Save these items:
**Listed in order of Quest Level
Spirit Core | Total Needed: 60 lvl 30 Helmet Quest & lvl 45 Epic Weapon Quest
* Rockshovel Goblin Leaders and Bodyguard
* Swordtail Sealakel Fighters, Shamans and Disorderlies
* Blackbeards
* Slaves, Deckhands, Sword Fighters
**I've had the best luck with Sealakels
Mare Core | Total Needed: 30 lvl 37 Helmet Quest
* Mobs in the Frost Woods area (map2)
Pint Cores | Total Needed: 30 lvl 44 Helmet Quest
* Mobs lvl 30-40 on Map3
* Maitreyan Guard Statues
Gold Abel | Total Needed: 90 lvl 45 Epic Weapon Quest
* 1st map monsters around the cities
Adamars stone | Total Needed:40 lvl 45 Epic Quest
* Mobs on Map3 or Cloron's Lair on Map1
Magic leather | Total Needed: 20 lvl 45 Epic Quest
* Maitreyan Beholders
* 1-60 PvP Zone north path, Bison and Wolves
Rillan | Total Needed: 99 lvl 45 Epic Weapon Quest
* Purchase from any Liquid Medicine NPC
Hard Hammers | Total Needed: 5 lvl 50 Helmet Quest
* Cloron Gladiators
Endure Lapis LV3 | Total Needed: 3 lvl 50 Helmet Quest
* 1-60 PvP Zone middle path, Skeleton Wizards, Commanders, etc
* Dungeons on the Karis map as well
Dark Mages Stone | Total Needed: 15 lvl 50 Helmet Quest
* Northern Part of Map3, or the Southern Part?
Repeatable Quest Items that give you Buff Potions:
To get these rewards btw, you have to click the area where there normally would be text of the reward.
If you get a coin looking item that has a bunch of "??" sell it to the npc because it is a bugged item.
On Map2 by Arktuis Vill:
* Essence of Witch [INT/WIS]
* Thin Meats [STR/REC]
* Broken Cores [DEX/LUC]
On Map 3 by Huigronn Stronghold:
* Golden Scissors [INT/WIS]
* Dark Mages Stone [STR/REC]
* Pint Core - [DEX/LUC]
Make sure to check your loots before selling it to the NPC.
Some drops are quest activated by Right Clicking on the item.
So far Items known:
* Rotten Woods - Wild Field Brown Bear [Credit: UnAngelik]
* Discoloured Leather Bag - Attained from 'A scouter in Out of Contact' Quest [Credit: zeretor]
Thursday, April 8, 2010
what do we do now
server down oh no now what
clean room
go to work
play other games
watch southpark
read my blog
read the guilds blog
miss you all hugs
what ever you do use style and grace
clean room
go to work
play other games
watch southpark
read my blog
read the guilds blog
miss you all hugs
what ever you do use style and grace
hi all
i been posting for about a month about shaiya the guild im in has a web site link is
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