Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i need help

do i
get you
to the grb?


is this you?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

would like the ask

Hi to all, i would like to know what would get u to show up to the grb?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

just need the ask

i been posting the blog for my guild and to help understand the game is it helping? what else do u want to see?

so u know who i am

here pic of me finger paint and gabby

your can guess which one is which

Wednesday, March 24, 2010




what time zone am i in

what time zone am i in

Time Zones

Time Zones
Everyone on the planet wants the sun to be at its highest point in the sky (crossing the meridian) at noon. If there were just one time zone, this would be impossible because the Earth rotates 15 degrees every hour. The idea behind multiple time zones is to divide the world into 24 15-degree slices and set the clocks accordingly in each zone. All of the people in a given zone set their clocks the same way, and each zone is one hour different from the next.

In the continental United States there are four time zones (click here for a map): Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific. When it is noon in the Eastern time zone, it is 11 a.m. in the Central time zone, 10 a.m. in the Mountain time zone and 9 a.m. in the Pacific time zone.

All time zones are measured from a starting point centered at England's Greenwich Observatory. This point is known as the Greenwich Meridian or the Prime Meridian. Time at the Greenwich Meridian is known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Time. The Eastern time zone in the United States is designated as GMT minus five hours. When it is noon in the Eastern time zone, it is 5 p.m. at the Greenwich Observatory. The International Date Line (IDL) is located on the opposite side of the planet from the Greenwich Observatory.

Why is the Greenwich Observatory such a big deal? A bunch of astronomers declared the Greenwich Observatory to be the prime meridian at an 1884 conference. What's funny is that the observatory moved to Sussex in the 1950s, but the original site remains the prime meridian.

Daylight-saving Time
During World War I, many countries started adjusting their clocks during part of the year. The idea was to try to adjust daylight hours in the summer to more closely match the hours that people are awake. During World War I, the goal was to conserve fuel by lowering the need for artificial light.

The United States and several other countries still use some variation on this system. In the United States, traditionally, daylight-saving time has started on the first Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October. However, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandated a change to the observed dates. Starting in 2007 and going forward, DST will now begin at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday of March and will end at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in November. Here are the start and stop dates through 2015:

Daylight Savings Time through 2015
Year Start Stop
March 11

November 4
March 9

November 2
March 8

November 1
March 14

November 7
March 13

November 6
March 11

November 4
March 10

November 3
March 9

November 2
March 8

November 1

To observe DST, clocks are advanced one hour in the spring and moved back one hour in the fall ("spring forward, fall back" is a phrase many people use to remember this). You lose an hour in the spring and get it back in the fall.

During the winter, the United States is on standard time. During the summer, the United States is on daylight-saving time. Even though it's an act of Congress, some states (like Arizona) ignore it and don't have daylight-saving time. They are on standard time all year.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

the quest for etins

these r the quest to get etins but they also can give u other stuff as well.

Favor Quests
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While most of your quests are only available one time through, there are 3 series of them that can be done repeatedly. These particular quests are known as the 'Favor' quests, give no experience nor gold, but do give a potion that enhances two stats for 10 minutes or until death.

It should also be noted that these potions will NOT stack with each other. Once you use one, the cooldown timer will affect them all, similar to when using a Heal potion all levels of Heal potions are put on cooldown.

As of May 8/09, with the introduction of Episode 4, these quests now offer a choice of rewards: the pots, as listed below, or 1 Etin coin.
Ritter's Power
Level Effect Quest Item
21 A Favor for Kvasir +3 STR / REC for ten minutes or until death Thin Meats
36 Aesir's Favor +7 STR / REC for ten minutes or until death Dark Mage Stone
52 Vodro's Alchemy +12 STR / REC for ten minutes or until death Monstrous Poison Stinger
Desert Crystal

Level Alliance Quest Effect Quest Item
21 Embla's Favor +3 DEX / LUC for ten minutes or until death Broken Cores
36 Halphas's Favor +7 DEX / LUC for ten minutes or until death Manitou Core
52 ?? +12 DEX / LUC for ten minutes or until death Desert Essence
Deadly Poisoned Essence

Level Effect Quest Item
21 Vidarr's Favor +3 INT / WIS for ten minutes or until death Essence of Witch
36 Ymir's Favor +7 INT / WIS for ten minutes or until death Gold Scissors
52 ?? +12 INT / WIS for ten minutes or until death Stable Core
Sparkling Powder
Retrieved from ""

Earth Alchemy Powders

As for the Apu Quest:

5 Earth Alchemy Powders = 1 Earth Tear Ore
5 Earth Tear Ore = 1 Light Filled Bowl
5 Light Filled Bowl = 1 Light Core
5 Light Core = 1 Star of Beauty
5 Start of Beauty = 1 Earth Tear, (1000)Etin
So yeah 3125 (if my memory works) EAPs to complete the quest for Etin.

grb info

A Handy Little Guide for GRB
by Kimi-Ka, 92 days ago

Ah yes, the joys of GRB. You've heard a lot about it from the other guildies, but you have not yet experienced it. Sooner or later you will find yourself in the position of being told to join our wonderful 1-hour guild raid, and I'll bet you'd find yourself lost. I know I was at first. If you're reading this after your first GRB I'm almost willing to bet you felt yourself a little lost at first, if not the entire time.

For those of you who have been to GRB and have suggestions to make, please tell me so I can add them, as well. This can only be as good as the contributions put forth.

So, here are some rules, guidelines, tips, and general info for GRB:

Just what is this "GRB" thing and what makes it so important?
First, let's note the things we can't have without GRB: Guild House (we gotta be rank 30 or better), Blacksmith (rank 14 or better), and Liquid Medicine Merchant (rank 6 or better). Why can't we have these without this one hour a week?

Because GRB (short for Guild Ranking Battle) determines the pecking order of the week. The points we get in that one hour of killing help us keep our rank, and our guild house, and the perks that come with it (assuming we retain certain ranks).

But there's more to it than "points" and "rank." This is one hour a week is the best time for guildies to hang out and kill together. It's a ton of fun, and a great way to get to know the other people who share the same Guild Name. Some of us talk on Vent (between the "kill 'em" and "OMG get this one off me!" you can hear "dex pick up the slack" and many other amusing quips).

When is GRB?
GRB is always on Saturdays, 1200 (noon) PST. If you would like to know what time it is in the Pacific Time Zone, check HERE.

Why do we do GRB?
For those who don't know, GRB determines our rank for the week. The better our rank, the better we can make our Guild House the more exciting things it has to offer, such as an upgraded Blacksmith, hard-to-get and reduced-price pots, and, so long as we kepe the guild house, free entry into GRB via Apulune.

Etin, the Guild House, and YOU!
During GRB we will likely be killing bosses for Etin. You can also gather Etin by collecting items in game and giving them to NPC quests. Etin helps us run our guild house (we need 2k Etin per week just to KEEP our Guild House, not including upgrades). If you get Etin at any time that you wish to contribute to the guild, drop it in the guild warehouse where an Officer will be able to gather it and put it in its proper place.

Also, if you wish to make a large contribution of Etin to the Guild House, Dex purchases Etin after GRB. Give him some money and he will buy some for you.

Am I the right level for GRB?
The area levels for GRB are as follows:
As a rule, try to be the max level for the area you're in to avoid excessive squishiness. There are some exceptions but they are few and far between.
Also, be advised that we are trying to beef up our 30 GRB group, so if you are making a new toon don't plan on being in 15 too long.

What toon should I make?
We already have established tanks for the 15 and 30 GRB, but if you have one as backup that is fine. The following is a list of what is in high demand for our current setup, though we do not turn anyone away:

MAGES - Mages are excellent additions to any of our GRB groups for their massive magical AOE attacks.

BATTLE PRIESTS - Full INT priesties are GEMS in 30 GRB where all of the mobs are FIRE based. Also, our regular tanks usually do not need healing in 30 GRB, and there is usually one full WIS priest available for heals should they be necessary. Should the healing priest not be there, BPs can still cast AOP and Prayer, heal marginally, and res fallen teammates when necessary.

ARCHERS/RANGERS - These would be super effective in the further reaches of 30 GRB where the mobs use ranged attacks and are not easily killed by magic users.

Leveling your toon
So you've created a character for GRB and you need help. Feel free to peruse any of the character guides listed HERE for tips on builds. If you're still not sure, feel free to ask other guildies for advise.

Once you decide on your build it is time to level that baby up. If getting to lvl 30 in one week or less is daunting there may be guildies available to help so feel free to ask. Leveling is not guaranteed, however, so I recommend planning to be lvl 15 for your first week unless someone has made you their "project" for the week.

Why am I not getting experience for these kills?
Almost everyone who is new to GRB asks a question along the same lines at some point, so let me make it clear: THERE IS NO EXP GAIN FOR GRB KILLS. This is good because if you establish a GRB toon you probably won't want to level it out. Next question usually asked is: "Why do we do it, then?" to which I will kindly ask that you re-read the section "Why do we do GRB?" for the exact reason.

VENT is your friend
You may see references to Vent in guild chat from time to time. Vent (or Ventrillo by it's full name) is a program we use to talk to one another. Details on how to get it, how to get on, and so on can be found HERE. We usually have our highest Vent usage during GRB, and it makes it a bajillion times easier to communicate during the event, but more on that later. Even if you do not have a microphone for vent, you can still use it effectively with speakers or headphones to hear directions, suggestions, requests for help in real time. We recommend anyone that can run Vent during GRB do so.

Meet 30 min in advance
Prior to GRB we must gather, form the union, decide who is on what toon, do the happy GRB dance, and so on and so fort. Plan to be in the GUILD HOUSE 30 minutes in advance so we can prepare.

Getting to GRB
We meet in the guild house to reduce the amount of time exposed to laggy condition prior to GRB. When there is 5 minutes or less until the event starts we talk to the gate keeper Ian Castor and port to the GUILD MANAGERS OFFICE. From there, depending on your lag, you can either wait a safe distance from the portal until the hour, or, if you don't have too much lag, you can wait in the mob of people waiting IN the portal so you don't have to run once the portal is working.

Once there it is simple. Run to whichever zone accommodates your level, meet up with your group, and let the killing begin.

Let the tank tank, and other good battle advice
The biggest killer of people in GRB is attacking before the tank has a chance to taunt. This can lead to not only your character dying, but potentially others as well. So: DO NOT ATTACK UNTIL THE TANK TAUNTS. But how do you know? One of two ways: Those on vent will be told to "go" or "attack" by the tank personally. If you cannot use vent due to lag or other restrictions you should use those who have vent as a reference. Once they attack you can be assured the tank has said "go".

Along those same lines, try to avoid spells and abilities that steal aggro from the tank, which usually come in the form of Damage Over Time (DOT) attacks. Example: Mages should not use Fire Thorn as their continual attack combined with other spells that follow while the DOT is in effect may cause the mob to attack you instead.

If you are a mage, educate yourselves on the elemental attacks and use them effectively. The flow of elements goes like this earth>water>fire>air>earth. Attacking with the proper element can give an extra 20% to your attack, so choose wisely.

Be careful of respawning mobs. People who have been to several GRB days know that we backtrack and will kill mobs back and forth for the entire hour. Any time you cross a section of mobs that have been recently killed you run the risk of being there when they spawn. The best way to avoid pulling aggro is to either a) follow areas that will keep you safe from mobs, usually experienced mages and priests can lead you to these places or b) follow the tank at a safe distance and stand in the space where mobs have just been pulled. In either case you still must keep an eye out for spawning mobs, or those dropped by the tank while he/she pulls, but you will be considerably safer than if an entire group appears around you.

Try to not go AFK. We'll understand if it's an emergency, but if it is something simple like getting water it causes problems. If an emergency DOES come up, please double click on another player so you follow them, and let us know if you can (TIP: it is quicker and easier if you use Vent).

UMs and GRB
Always bring a res rune. ALWAYS. Yes, your team may be all or even mostly seasoned GRB vetrans, but that does not guarantee perfection. Someone critical could lag, lock up, or get dc, or someone could accidentally pull aggro and die at the right time and all hell can break loose in just a few short moments. Should you die without a res rune on a UM toon in the 15 or 30 zones NO ONE will be able to res you (that is a 31+ priest skill).

If you make a UM toon, but do not have a res rune, let us know. Oftentimes other guildies will have a spare they can loan or sell to you.


what do etins do? they pay for the guild house if u look at my earlier post you can see what it take for week to run the guild house. so here so idea

EAP quest is a must to do cos it will give us 1000 etin
so we gonna need 3125 EAP a week
3125 : 7 = 450 EAP a day
let's assume we have 15 volunteer among us to do this, so :
450 : 15 = 30 EAP a day
i know it's hard and time consuming, but do-able

200+ etins from 1-15 and 16-30 boss
well .. 200 etins is not bad tho
so let's add it to the pool

other helpful guild ideas

Saturday, March 20, 2010

spring time for evolution

I know this has been covered already but for them that just can't be bothered to look through the posts on the forum here is the 21 Gear Quests Guide and the 41 Gears Quests Guide.

The quests for the level 21 gear starts on map1 at Astin. You first have to deliver the grapes to Daisy from Astin after you kill the Vagabond Bears. This quest IS NOT unlocked until you have done the PATH quest at the start of the map. (Fighters Path, Rangers Path, Path of Magic etc)
The following quests a really easy just a little running around and collecting the things for the repeatable quests to cash in for the gear.
Gear quests initialise at level21 and are :-

Fedion Blackfeet Fox-Supply Rice-2 Ritters Power (thin meats)-Gaunts
This quest gives you a riddle for the amount of slots the answers are
Oldman = 1 slot
Oldmans Wife = 2 slot
Best Friend = 3 slot

Fedion Leopardess Hunter-Supply Wine-1 Heliys Competance(Broken Cores)-Armor

Fedion Deadly Poison Frog-Jod's Notebook-1 Apostles Ability(Witch Essence)-Pants

Fedion Angry Brown Bear-Missing Person-Kill Brown Bears(15 minimum...45 gave me 3 slot)-Boots

41 Set

Drop is called Five Commandments of Someone, Drops at Clearwater Frogs next to Presya Manor. It cashes in at Stronghold but you have to go back to Presya to kill 10 Clearwater Frogs. You then need 10 Magic Alchemy Powders to complete the quest. You will recieve Level 41 3slotted Boots. (I did kill 90 frogs to try to expand on the slots, just seems like 3 slot is the most).

Pick up th Meia Forest Ranger quest from Silveran Liuid Meds Merchant and complete that quest. This will give you a quest at Crus Berwolf called Unfinished Mission. You have to find Rios Demian a dead guard (blue dot shows you the way). Kill a minimum of 15 Harpy Wind Wizards and return to Crus. He will then send you to Chris Celina (next to the warhouse keeper in Stronghold). She want 10 Gold Magic Silks and 5 Spirit Lost. Recieve Gauntlets, and unlock next quest......

See Melissa Celina (next to Chris as its her sister). She wants you to kill Lipiluss Patrollers again 15 minimum (annoying as there isn't that many). Return to Melissa and she now wants 5 Diabolic Cores. Now off to see Crus Berwolf again to pick up Man of Melissa. Return to Melissa to recieve your Armor.

See Henya at Presya Manor, collect the 3 boxes from the goblin camp east of Presya, cash in quest and a new yellow dot appears at War Edge (if it doesnt go see Keidline in Stronghold that should do it). Now off to see Bill Bluemountain. He wants you to kill 15 Waredge Orc Nightguards (i did 45 incase). Then he requires at least 10 Magic Iron Powders (got 30 and dread set). Cash them in and go see Warehouse Keeper in Stronghold. He sends you back to Bill and you recieve your reward of Pants.

incase u r playing evelution b awear

A) Begin first by completing a few quests on Map 1:


First, you need to complete your class-specified quest. "The Path of [Class]" quests are located near or in the starting town of each race, Beika/Aelbeageu - (Priests have to do the sealakel quests first before they're able to do their class quest). After completing your class quest, you must complete a quest in Keolloseu. You have to be somewhere around 15+ to complete the Keo quest. An "Professional Trader" named Judies will give the quest to you. This quest leads you south of Keo near Cornwell's Forest; kill 2 antelopes to complete this quest - easy enough. After that quest, you receive a quest called "The Number One Threat Facing Willieoseu" from the same NPC. You have to kill 15 Cornwell Forest Brown Bears for that quest and then deliver a crate of grapes to an NPC named Daisy on Map 2. This is your trigger to start the quests for the armor.

B) Next, gather all FOUR quest drop items needed:

The following is a list of the quest items needed
and the mobs that drop said quest items:

Item One - Supply Rice:
Drops from the Fedion Black Feet Foxes right as you enter Map 2.

Item Two - Supply Wine:
Drops from Fedion Leopardess Hunters located in the lake northwest of Haldeck Farm (near antelopes).

Item Three - Jod's Notebook
Drops from Fedion Deadly Poison Frogs located in the lake southwest of Haldeck Farm.

Item Four - Missing Person!
Drops from Fedion Angryeye Brown Bears located near the word "Fedion" on your map (by golems).

C) Right-Click each item to begin the quests.

A Written Description of Each Quest:

Supply Rice - Gauntlets:

Once you have opened up the quest item, it will take you to Haldeck Farm to talk to an NPC named Duster. He will send you to talk to an NPC, Wargamer Ranus (near the water's edge at the portal in Arktuis Vill). Ranus asks you to get 2 "Ritter's Power". To get this, you need to speak with Warrior Kvasir (located in the rocks near Arktuis Vill). Kvasir asks you to bring him 2 "Thin Meats". Go fetch 4 thin meats (for 2 "Ritter's Power"), and then talk with Kvasir again, choose the first option, and complete the quest twice to receive a mini noss each time. Once more, speak with Wargamer Ranus who will now send you to Stardust Knights in Apulune. In Apulune, you'll speak with Luferth Ladcliff who will give you three options: a) Old Man, b) Old Man's Wife, c) A Close Friend. So far, we know that choosing "Old Man" gives you non-slotted gaunts and "A Close Friend" gives you 3-slotted, so it's assumed that "Old Man's Wife" gives you 2-slotted, although this is NOT proven yet. After choosing your option, visit the Protection Merchant located around the fountain in Apulune to receive the first part of your armor: the gauntlets.
*Note: Thin Meats are known to drop well from the Willieoseu Leopards and Saiferons Watchers.*

Missing Person! - Boots:

Once you have opened up the quest item, you will have to go to Haldeck Farm and talk to Guard Leader Alpenia. He will send you to an NPC named Sandro Seon (the quest says Sandra but the actual NPC's name is Sandro) - located near the word "Fedion" on your map. Sandro will ask you to kill Fedion Angryeye Brown Bears (kill 15 as the minimum reward or kill 50-55 bears for 3-slotted boots). Once completed, he will send you back to Haldeck Farm to speak with Guard Leader Alpenia again who will give you the boots of your armor.

Jod's Notebook - Pants

After opening the quest item, you need to speak with Duster in Haldeck Farm again. He asks you to travel to Arktuis Vill and talk to Zod aka: the NPC named Cooker Jude Childs (he's directly to the left of the Accessory Merchant). He will ask you to get "Apostels Ability" from Pagan Vidarr (located in the rocks near Arktuis Vill). Visit Pagan Vidarr and pick up the quest where he asks you to gather 2 "Essence of Witch". The more of "Apostel's Ability" you get, the more slots you'll receive on your gear. I recommend getting 5 of "Apostel's Ability" which will give you 3-slotted pants. Once you have gathered up the 2 "Essence of Witch" (or however many you decide) for that quest, go talk to Vidarr again, choose the first option, and receive "Apostel's Ability". Speak with "Zod" again, and he'll send you to the Warehouse Keeper in Arktuis Vill, Agatha Hill, who should give you the pants.
*Note: Essence of Witch are known to drop well from Fedion Leopardesses and Saiferons Harpies.*

Supply Wine - Top:

Once you have opened up the quest item, it will take you to Haldeck Farm to talk to an NPC named Duster. He will send you to talk to an NPC, Wargamer Ranus (near the water's edge at the port in Arktuis Vill). Ranus will send you to Stardust Knights in Apulune. That NPC will ask you tell you to go get "0/1 Heliy's Competence" from an NPC named Assassin Embla (located in the rocks near Ark Vill). After you get the quest from Embla, you need to gather 2 "Broken Cores" to receive "Heliy's Competence" from her (again, the more noss you have, the more slots your armor will have). After finishing that quest, return to Stardust Knights and talk to the same NPC. This time, he'll just send you to the same merchant to receive the last and final piece of your armor!
*Note: Broken Cores are known to drop well from the sealakels near Arktuis Vill.*

be nice dont ks but

It's very possible that your"kill stealer"might have accidentally attacked your mob by clicking on it without seeing you in shaiya, or even auto attacked it without realizing that there was another person in the area. It's even possible to have this happen to you two or three times if you're in a small grinding spot. In this situation you have to stop and negotiate before things beyond control.

If you are the kill stealer and have stolen someone else's kill, don't be afraid to apologize! Just attacking a mob and killing it then making no effort to apologize might lead some to believe that on purpose. Sometimes it's just a polite thing to do to apologize and try not to do it again.

If you are the one that was ks'd, don't immediately attack the other person! It's best just to wait it out and see if it happens again then yell at them after the first time again. If it happens again, kindly ask them to not steal your mobs.

Do not steal kills back out of spite! If somebody accidentally steals your kill, it might make them angry to steal one of their mobs! This can lead to fighting and even major competition for mobs, and ultimately a ticket sent for harassment.

quest info

quest info
this is for map 2

a) Name of quest
b) Name of quest giver and location
c) Goal of the quest (according to quest info)
d) Location and actual name of mob (if differs from quest info)
e) Who to return quest to and reward

1) Stonehammer Dwarf (1) (unlocks quest #6)
Duster, at Haldeck Farm
Collect 10 Dwarf Weapons from Dwarf Defense Guards
StoneHammer Vill, S of Haldeck Farm
Return 30 to Duster: 6000 exp, 25080 gold

2) Drunca’s Trip Preparation
Drunca, at Haldeck Farm
Collect 5 Horns of Antelope from Fedion Antelopes
West of Haldeck Farm in the small chain of lakes
Return 15 to Drunca: 4200 exp, 15050 gold

3) Crom Stonehammer
Farin Silverhawk at Haldeck Farm
Collect Plans of StoneHammer from Crom Stonehammer
StoneHammer Vill, very back of the mine (stick to the left on entering and keep going), kill dwarf called Crome StoneHammer, mine entrance is at E end of Vill
Return 1 plan to Farin Silverhawk: 9200 exp, 33000 gold

4) Grape Thief (unlocks quest #5)
Claret at Haldeck Farm
Kill 10 Fedion Thief Monkey
Haldeck Farm
Return quest to Claret: 3710 exp, 13860 Shaiya gold

5) Whining for Wine (unlocked by doing quest #4)
Claret at Haldeck Farm
Collect Wine of Claret from Brud
StoneHammer Vill, far east side, kill dwarf called Drinker Brud
Return 1 to Claret: 8300 exp, 31020 gold

6) Stonehammer Dwarf (2) (unlocked by doing quest #1, unlocks quest #7)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Kill 5 StoneHammer Dwarf Miners and 5 StoneHammer Dwarf Skilled Masters
Stonehammer Vill, inside the mine, entrance is at E side
Return to Duster: 6700 exp, 27060 gold

7) How Are You, Agatha (unlocked by doing quest #6, unlocks quest #8)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Deliver letter to Agatha in Arktius Village
Agatha Hill is the warehouse keeper at Arktius Village
Deliver note to Agatha: 380 exp, 1600 gold

8) Agatha’s Errand (unlocked by doing quest #7)
Agatha Hill at Arktius Village
Deliver box of fruits to Vanessa in Arktius Village
Deliver box to Vanessa: 380 exp, 1600 gold

9) Suspicious Rumor (unlocks quest #10)
Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Duster at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Duster: 300 exp

10) The Secret Being Revealed (1) (unlocked by doing quest #9, unlocks quest #11)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Kill 5 Fedion Angry Nose Wild Boars
Haldeck Farm
Return to Duster: 3710 exp, 13860 gold

11) The Secret Being Revealed (2) (unlocked by doing quest #10, unlocks quest #12)
Duster at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Drunca: 300 exp

12) Another Secret (1) (unlocked by doing quest #11, unlocks quest #13)
Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Deliver letter to Daisy at Haldeck Farm, north side
Deliver letter to Daisy: 300 exp, 1400 gold

13) Another Secret (2) (unlocked by doing quest #12, unlocks quest #14)
Daisy at Haldeck Farm
Take letter and portrait to Arktius Village and talk to someone who knew her
Talk to Tbon Sheldon, accessory merchant, in Arktius Village
Talk to Tbon: 300 exp, 1400 gold

14) Another Secret (3) (unlocked by doing quest #13, unlocks quest #15)
Tbon Sheldon at Arktius Village
Talk to Daisy at Haldeck Farm
Talk to Daisy: 300 exp, 1400 gold

15) Another Secret (4) (unlocked by doing quest #14)
Daisy at Haldeck Farm
Deliver letter to Drunca at Haldeck Farm
Deliver to Drunca: 8400 exp, 30100 gold, Engagement Ring (lvl 25 ring, STR +3, REC +3)

16) Water Analysis (1) (unlocks quest #17)
Nell Watersaga, on the W road from Haldeck Farm
Collect Ear of Madfisher by killing Madfisher
Small lake SW of Haldeck Farm, Madfisher is a sealakel that is usually on the north hill of that lake, in amongst the trees
Return 1 to Nell Watersaga: 5810 exp, 18610 gold

17) Water Analysis (2) (unlocked by doing quest #16, unlocks quest #18)
Nell Watersaga, on the W road from Haldeck Farm
Collect Fur of Madhorn by killing Madhorn
W of Haldeck Farm, usually in the NE corner of the chain of lakes surrounded by mountains, Madhorn is an antelope
Return 1 to Nell Watersaga: 6440 exp, 19800 gold

18) Water Analysis (3) (unlocked by doing quest #17)
Nell Watersaga, on the W road from Haldeck Farm
Collect Feathers of Harpie by killing MadWing
Donut shaped lake S of Fedion (Sairefons/Saierfons Lake), W end of lake, MadWing is a harpy
Return 1 to Nell Watersaga: 7070 exp, 20990 gold

19) A Recluse (unlocks quest # 20)
Gawain Primer, on road W of Haldeck Farm
Talk to Creath Question
Creath Queston is outside of Fedion dungeon
Talk to Creath: 380 exp

20) The Path of Dignity (1) (unlocked by doing quest #19)
Creath Queston, outside of Fedion
Kill Bacaras
The wyvern Bacaras is at the Maelstorm Coast, on the beach just S of Arktius Village
Return to Creath: 3000 exp, Marshal Pride (2 handed sword, glows blue because it’s epic  , STR +20, REC +5)

21) Creath’s Theory (unlocks quest #22)
Creath Queston, outside Fedion
Collect 7 Congealed Magic Stones from Crazy Crying Gargoyle
Crazy Crying Gargoyles are on the road going S from Fedion
Return 21 to Creath: 5810 exp, 18610 gold

22) Failed Experiment (1) (unlocked by quest #21, unlocks quest #23)
Catherine Parker, crossroads S of Fedion
Kill 15 Crazy Crying Gargoyles
On the road going S from Fedion
Return to Catherine: 16750 exp, 27060 gold

23) Failed Experiment (2) (unlocked by quest #22, unlocks quest #24)
Creath Queston, outside Fedion
Collect 5 Burned Magic Stones from Question Familiars (I thought it was a very slow drop rate!)
On the road going S from Fedion
Return 15 to Creath: 16750 exp, 27060 gold

24) Failed Experiment (3) (unlocked by quest #23, unlocks quest #25)
Creath Queston, outside Fedion
Take Burned Magic Stones to Lana Fairwind in Deities Religion
Deities Religion area in Apulune, NW area
Talk to Lana: 748 exp, 1500 gold

25) Failed Experiment (4) (unlocked by quest #24)
Lana Fairwind in Deities Religious area of Apulune
Deliver Congealed Magic Stone to Creath Question
Creath Queston outside Fedion: 748 exp, 1500 gold

26) A Letter of Claude (unlocks quest #44)
Claude at Arktius Village
Deliver letter to Craig at seashore merchant
Take road S of Arktius Village, small area between mountains, W of small tent on map
Talk to Eh Teeyehn, weapon merchant: 600 exp, 2100 gold

27) Doltin’s New Technique
Doltin Coper, Blacksmith, Arktius Village
Deliver 30 Spirit Coars
Spirit cores drop most from Swordtail Sealakels S of Arktius Village, RockShovel Goblins E of seaside market, and pirates at White Sands Harbor
Deliver 30 to Doltin: Fighter/Defender Reward: 15000 exp, Mirage Helmet (lvl 30)

28) The Village That Became Silent (unlocks quest #29)
Vanessa at Arktius Village
Talk to Claude at Arktius Village : 380 exp

29) Wyverns, Eggs, and the Water’s Edge (unlocked by quest #28)
Claude at Arktius Village
Collect 5 Eggs of Wyvern from Maelstorm Wyvern
Maelstorm Coast, beach just S of Arktius Village
Deliver 15 Eggs to Claude: 7500 exp, 29040 gold

30) Kind Matilda (two choices)
Adam at Arktius Village
Find Matilda and give her a message
Talk to Martilda at seashore market, on road S of Arktius Village, W of small tent on map
a) Keep promise:
b) Do the favor: 510 exp, 1800 gold

30) a) ?
30) b) Matilda’s Favor
Collect 3 Livers of Leopard from Willierseu Leopard
E of seashore market
Return 9 to Martilda: 12880 exp, 39600 gold

31) Wilon’s Liquor (1) (unlocks quest #32)
Wilon at Arktius Village
Talk to Adam at Arktius Village : 460 exp, 1800 gold

32) Wilon’s Liquor (2) (unlocked by quest #31, unlocks quest #33)
Adam at Arktius Village
Collect 3 Tears of Beholder from Saierfons Watcher
In donut shaped lake S of Fedion
Return 7 to Adam: 9200 exp, 33000 gold

33) Wilon’s Liquor (3) (unlocked by quest #32)
Adam at Arktius Village
Deliver Lajarr to Wilon at Arktius Village
Deliver it: 510 exp, 1800 gold

34) Interrupter Sealakels (1) (unlocks quest #35)
Bonito at Arktius Village
Kill 5 Swordtail Sealakel Fighters
Maelstorm Coast, beach S of Arktius Village
Return to Bonito: 9200 exp, 33000 gold

35) Interrupter Sealakels (2) (unlocked by quest #34, unlocks quest #36)
Bonito at Arktius Village
Kill 5 Swordtail Sealakel Disorderlies
Maelstorm Coast, beach S of Arktius Village
Return to Bonito: 10100 exp, 34980 gold

36) Treacherous Elder Dempnun (unlocked by quest #35)
Bonito at Arktius Village
Kill Elder Dempnun
Maelstorm Coast, beach S of Arktius Village, Priest Dempnun is in the center of other sealakels usually
Return to Bonito: 15400 exp, 44750 gold

37) Uncomfortable Relationship (1) (unlocks quest #38) This quest is a little buggy!
Sake at Arktius Village
Buy medicine from Rochen
Talk to Rochen Sheldon, liquid medicine merchant at Arktius Village: 420 exp

38) Uncomfortable Relationship (2) (unlocked by quest #37) This quest is a little buggy!
Rochen at Arktius Village
Deliver medicine to Salmon
You must click on Rochen and trade with her, buy Medicine of Rochen (first page of items, second line, third item) – this will not actually cost you anything!
Then go and talk to Sake: 420 exp, 1700 gold ,

39) Vidarr’s Favor (this is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you like)
Pagan Vidarr at Arktius Village
Deliver 2 Essence of Witch
Essence of Witch drops most from Stonehammer Dwarves and Fedion Leopardesses around Haldeck Farm
Deliver 2 : Apostel’s Ability Lvl. 1– a lvl. 21, non-tradable, non-stackable pot that give INT +3, WIS +3 for 10 mins (you can put it in your WH for other characters, but must be lvl 21 to use it) Effects gone if you die.

40) Kvasir’s Favor (this is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you like)
Warrior Kvasir at Arktius Vilalge
Deliver 2 Thin Meats
Thin Meats drop most from Willierseu Leopards and Monkeys S of Arktius Village
Deliver 2: Ritter’s Power Lvl. 1 – a lvl.21, non-tradable, non-stackable pot that give STR +3, REC +3 for 10 mins (you can put it in your WH for other characters, but must be lvl 21 to use it)
Effects gone if you die

41) Embla’s Favor (this is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you like)
Assasin Embla at Arktius Village
Deliver 2 Broken Coars
Broken Cores drop most from Swordtail Sealakels S of Arktius Village and RockShovel Goblins E of seaside market
Deliver 2: Heily’s Competence Lvl.1 – a lvl 21, non-tradable, non-stackable pot that gives DEX +3, LUC +3 for 10 mins (you can put it in your WH for other characters, but must be lvl 21 to use it)
Effects gone if you die

42) Suspicious Request (unlocks quest #43)
Strange Sign on road S of Arktius Village
Find Oten in Arktius Village
a) I’m single too = 420 exp
b) I’m happy = ?

42) a)Matchmaking (3 choices)
Oten at Arktius Village
Talk to Oten and choose one:
i) Kind woman = ?
ii) Glamorous woman = 420 exp
iii) Healthy woman = ?

43) a) i) ?
43) a) ii) Glamorous Rotico
Deliver letter to Rotico in Arktius Village: 420 exp, 1700 gold
Manly Oten?
Talk to Oten in Arktius Village: 5810 exp, 18610 gold
Treasured Present
Collect 5 Eyes of Sealakel from Swordtail Sealakel Wizards
Kill Swordtail Sealakel Shamans at Maelstorm Coast, on beach S of Arktius Village
Return 15 to Rotico in Arktius Village: 7070 exp, 20990 gold
Sexy Oten?
Deliver Letter to Oten in Arktius Village: 460 exp, 1800 gold Happy Ending!
43) a) iii) ?

44) i)Blackbeard Clan Sweeping (1) (unlocked by quest #26)
Eh Teeheyn at seaside market
Kill 10 Blackbeard Fighters
Around lighthouse at White Sand Harbor, Blackbeard Fighter goblins
Return to Eh: 16200 exp, 46860 gold

44) ii) Blackbeard Clan Sweeping (2) (get choice of 1 of 3 rewards)
Eh Teeheyn at seaside market
Kill Kuluny, Jepito, and Greed
White Sand Harbor: Chief Mate Clooney, pirate – S end among other pirates
Carpenter Jepito, dwarf – among the market stalls close to the beach
Steersman Greed, sealakel – SW corner, between beach and lighthouse
Return to Eh: Kuluney Compass – lvl 34 amulet (LUC +8, 20 resistance) (I presume experience and gold are the same as for Baton, thank you peppill)
Jepito Hammer – dex 1 handed heavy weapon?
Baton of Greed – 31460 exp, 68900 gold, Bastion of Greed (dual sword for fighters, lvl 35, STR +16)

45) Bully Goblins (1) (unlocks quest #46)
Arnold Quick at seaside market
Kill 5 RockShovel Goblin Butchers
E of seaside market
Return to Arnold: 11000 exp, 37290 gold

46) Bully Goblins (2) (unlocked by quest #45, unlocks quest #47)
Arnold Quick at seaside market
Kill 3 RockShovel Goblin Bodyguards and 1 RockShovel Goblin Subboss/RockShovel Goblin Leader
E of seaside market
Return to Arnold: 12000 exp, 39600 gold

47) Goblin Boss Kerlak (unlocked by quest #46)
Arnold Quick at seaside market
Kill Kerlak and bring back his head
E of seaside market, E side of camp
Return 1 head to Arnold: 18620 exp, 50290 gold, Radicion Ring (lvl.30 ring, DEX+3, LUC+3)

48)Treasure of Pirate Clan
Martilda at seaside market
Collect Shining Ruby from treasure box at White Sand Harbor
“Kill” Blackbeard Treasure Box at shoreline/market stalls at White Sand Harbor
Return 3 to Martilda: 14700 exp, 44220 gold

49) i) Homecoming
Aiden at seaside market
Find fiancée of Aiden
Beacon N of White Sand Harbor, S side, ghost Fiancee of Aiden
Talk to her: 810 exp

49) ii) Broken Promise
Deliver Engagment Ring to Aiden at Seaside Market
Talk to him: 810 exp, 2400 gold

49) iii) Revenge!!
Kill Mean Sneaky and bring Head of Sneaky to Aiden in seaside market
Mean Sneaky, goblin, is at White Sand Harbor, S end of vill
Return 1 head to Aiden: 20900 exp, 54780 gold

50) Extravagant Antique (unlocks quest #51) – TIMED QUEST, 60 mins
Kirby at seaside market
Collect 5 (minimum) Antique Jars from RockShovel Goblin Diggers
E of seaside market
Return 15 to Kirby: 14140 exp, 41980 gold

51) Appraisal Request (1) (unlocked by quest #50, unlocks quest #52)
Kirby at seaside market
Take jars to Carlo Onell at seaside market: 510 exp, 1800 gold

52) Appraisal Request (2) (unlocked by quest #51)
Carlo Onell at seaside market
Talk to Kirby at seaside market: 510 exp, 1800 gold

53) i) Frost Woods Purification
Nerdin, at beacon tower N of White Sand Harbor, E side
Kill 5 Frost Woods Killers
On the road under Willierseu Central Beacon Mound name on map, they look the same as Frost Woods Looters (names are different though)
Return to Nerdin: 16200 exp, 46860 gold

53) ii) Woods of Oblivion
Collect 3 Bloody Bones from Frost Woods Zombies
On the road under Willierseu Central Beacon Mound name on map

54) i) Poor Souls
Fiancee of Aiden, at beacon tower N of White Sand Harbor
Kill 3 White Sand Resident Corpses and 3 White Sand Gloogy Girls
E of White Sand Harbor lighthouse
Return to Fiancee of Aiden: 17700 exp, 49500 gold

54) ii)Existing Eating Soul – Timed Quest, 60 mins
Collect at least 5 Detained Spirits from Sould Extortor
Return 17 to Fiancee of Aiden: 19300 exp, 52140 gold

54) iii) Please give this to Lindellea
Deliver to Lindellea in Silvaren: 890 exp, 2600 gold

Level 34 Quests:

55) The Wanted List! Subcaptain Turbako
From the wanted sign at the seaside market
Bring head of Turbako to Claude at Arktius Village
The dwarf Subcaptain Turbako is at White Sand Harbor, mid-village, close to Mean Sneaky
Return 1 head to Claude: 29260 exp, 65740 gold

56) Glowing Feather (glitched quest)
Roader, accessory merchant at Willierseu Central Beacon Mound
Collect 1 Glowing Feather of Harpy from Wilierseu Harpy Illusionists
SE of the beacon, slow drop rate
Return 3 to Roader: click in the area you normally have a choice of rewards (it looks blank), 29260 exp, 65740 gold. Clicking at the top, 1st reward gave the following quest:

56) a)The Offense is the Best Defense (1)
Deliver letter to Andantea in Silvaren
Andantea Uska, protection merchant: 890 exp, 2600 gold

56) b)The Offense is the Best Defense (2)
Collect 5 Durable Leathers from Wilierseu Canine Wolf
Willerseu Canine wolf are ½ way between Elaste Valley and the Elemental Cave
Return 15 to Andantae: Fighter/Defender reward: 19300 exp, 52140 gold, Heroic Sylma Gauntlet
Mage/Priest: Heroic Wilarin Gauntlet (presume gold and experience is the same as above, thank you peppill)
Archer/Ranger: ?

57) i) Vecernya’s Favor
Vecernya at Willierseu Central Beacon Mound
Talk to Basaltes at Elaste Valley
Talk to Basaltes: 970 exp, 2700 gold

57) ii) Lordrock Elimination
Kill Lordrock and 2 Lordrock Guardians
Lordrock golem and Lordrock guardian gargoyles are at the N end of Elaste Valley
Return to Basaltes: 34020 exp, 72070 gold

Credit go to PBC333. So credit go to PBC333.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

what do u think?

does my blog help you?

Important quests in Shaiya

Important quests in Shaiya ?

If you don’t want to do all quests in shaiya, you need to know important quest for your character and you should done with them.

Which quests should you do in Shayia?

25 Level Epic Quest.
30 Level Helmet Quest. Ark Vill Blacksmith. Stuff requires : 30 Spirit Cores
30 Level Dread Boots Quest.
35 Level Epic Quest.
37 Level Helmet Quest. Silvaren Blacksmith. Stuff requires : 30 Nightmare Cores
40 Level Mount (Horse or Leopard for AoL) Quest. Stuff requires : 50 Amapo Spool, 30 Poison Linz. Quest is starting between 20-30 lvls.
43 Level Epic Quest* for 45 level Elemental Weapon. Stuff requires : 40 Adamars Stone, 30 Spirit Cores, 20 Magic Leather, 90 Gold Apples, 99 Pomegranate
44 Level Helmet Quest. HS Blacksmith.
50 Level Lapis Quest in Pando
51 Level Helmet Quest. Apulune Blacksmith near seaport. Stuff Requires : 25 Dark Mage Stone

*You have to do 25 and 35 lvl epic quests to open 43 lvl epic quest.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

where dose it drop???

Lvl 1 - Drops from beginner mobs
Lvl 15-20 - Drops from Cornwell's Seal(Light) and Argilla Ruins(Fury)
Adds +6 to various stats on weapons, and +1 to various stats on armors
Has 1 slot for linking lapis.

Lvl 21-26 - Drops from Graveguard Loca(Light) and Skeleton Guard Kargos(Fury) in their respective dungeons
Lvl 29-32 - Drops from Senechio Cave/Fedion(Light) or Kalamus's House(Fury)
Adds +12 to various stats on weapons, and +2 to various stats on armors
Has 2 slots for linking lapis.

Lvl 21-26 - Drops from Graveguard Loca and Asmo(Light) and Skeleton Guard Kargos and Knight(Fury)
Lvl 29-32 - Drops from Corrupt Paros(Light) and Duplicated Rapioru(Fury)
Lvl 31-38 - Drops from Senechio Cave/Fedion(Light) or Kalamus's House(Fury)
Lvl 41-50 - Drops from Maitreyan and Cloron's Lair(Light) or Aidion Neckria and Fantasma's Lair(Fury)
Lvl 46-53 - Drops from Elemental Cave(Light) or Ruber Chaos(Fury)
Lvl 50-53 Armor - Drops from Loca(Tragos Cavum), Rocagos Crazy Warrior, Black Blood Blade Knight, and Black Magic Ruler(Water Dragon's Lair). Also drops from Cave of Stigma(Light) and Aurizen Ruin(Fury)
Adds +18 to various stats on weapons, and +3 to various stats on armors
Has 3 slots for linking lapis

Lvl 29-32 Armor Set - Can be obtained through various quest initiating items(can only be used in Hard Mode and Ultimate Mode)
Lvl 31-38 - Drops from Ajuha(Light) or Elkid(Fury)
Lvl 45-50 - Drops from Maitreyan Subbosses, Cloron Subbosses(Light), Aidrion Neckria Subbosses, Fantasma Subbosses(Fury), and Lich(Tragos Cavum)
Lvl 50-53 - Drops from Cave of Stigma(Light) and Aurizen Ruin(Fury)
Adds +24 to various stats on weapons, and +5 to various stats on armors
Has 4 slots for linking lapis

Lvl 45-50 - Drops from Ankylul Wild Dark(Light) and Astaroth(Fury)
Lvl 50-53 - Drops from Cloron(Troll)(Light) and Fantasma(Giant)(Fury)
Adds +30 to various stats on weapons, and +6 to various stats on armors
Has 5 slots for linking lapis
Can only be equipped on Hard Mode and Ultimate Mode
Weapons glow blue, and armors have a different color

Lvl 45-50 - Drops from Freezing Mirage(Light) and Haruhion(Fury)
Can only be equiped on Ultimate Mode
Adds +36 to various stats on weapons, and +7 to various stats on armors
Has 6 slots for linking lapis
Weapons glow red, and armors have a different color and model


i found info on Amso i hope it help all the info on the post as been found on other site

Asmo is the boss of the Cornwell's Ruin dungeon. Defeating him is the objective of a quest given to players in Map 1 (Erina). After successfully defeating Asmo, the player may turn in the quest to receive a level 3 lapis of his/her choice. A level 28 monster, Asmo has 34,000 HP, and a high healing ability on top of that. His attack has been described as "decent... (~590). Def.60%: Pretty hard to attack."

Suggested level of player at time of encounter: 24+ (varying by class). Suggested HP: Minimum of 850. Priests and potions strongly recommended!

respawn: 1 hour after been killed.

Basic Stats

Name: Asmo

Hit Points: 34,000

Level: 28

Difficulty: Normal

EXP: 29,000

Monster type: Boss

Items: Drops heroic armor

The second boss in the dungeon named Cornwell's Seal. You have to kill it in a party with five other members, it can be found in an inner room of the dungeon to complete the Asmo-quest. The reward of the quest is a level 3 Lapis.

Although the quest says you have to kill it with five other party members, you complete it even if you kill it alone! Respawn time is 1 hour, +/- 15 minutes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Shaiya Private Servers

Shaiya Private Servers
we all love this game just in case u want to try some different ideas

Saturday, March 6, 2010

stuff you may want

cool stuff u might want

if u r looking for the headphone i made then easy to find and get click on the store order them and they send then to you house

new game

hay check out this new game

Shaiya Evolution
it the same but different
i think a gs made this

guild house upgrades

here what we can get in the guild house

Guild Gate Keeper

Useable by Rank 1-30 guilds ; all transport is free
Level Hire Fee Union of Fury Alliance of Light
1 0 0 Gliter, Starfumos Vill, Guild Management Office Keolloseu, Arktuis Vill, Guild Management Office
2 1000 200 Arena Stronghold, Ranhaa'rr Huigronn Stronghold, Pandorashys
3 1500 500 Iris, Smuggling Hideout Karis Castle, Cryptic Throne, Cloron's Lair
4 2000 800 Raigo Castle, Cryptic Throne, Fantasma's Lair Apulune, Smuggling Hideout
Guild Weapon Merchant

Useable by Rank 1-30 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides only basic weapons (Lv36-46), 5% discount on items
2 100 0 Provides noble weapons (Lv11-14), 10% discount on items
3 200 0 Provides worship weapons (Lv21-26), 15% discount on items
4 500 0 Provides heroic weapons (Lv31-38), 20% discount on items
Guild Protection Merchant

Useable by Rank 1-30 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides basic armor (Lv36-46 + Lv43 shield), 5% discount on items
2 100 0 Provides noble armor (Lv15-18 + Lv13 shield), 10% discount on items
3 200 0 Provides worship armor (Lv29-32 + Lv25 shield), 15% discount on items
4 500 0 Provides heroic armor (Lv43-46 + Lv37 shield), 20% discount on items

Guild Warehouse Keeper

Useable by Rank 1-14 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides 40 storage slots ( 1 WH page )
2 200 100 Provides 80 storage slots ( 2 WH pages )
3 500 200 Provides 120 storage slots ( 3 WH pages )
4 1000 500 Provides 160 storage slots ( 4 WH pages )
5 2000 800 Provides 200 storage slots ( 5 WH pages )
6 5000 1000 Provides 240 storage slots ( 6 WH pages )
Guild Accessory Merchant

Useable by Rank 1-14 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides Rings, Loops, and Amulets (Lv38-48)
2 150 0 Provides Lv1 Basic Lapis for 41,120g
3 200 0 Provides Lv2 Basic Lapis for 95,984g
4 400 0 Provides Lv3 Basic Lapis for 174,136g

Guild Blacksmith

Useable by Rank 1-14 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides repairs at 1% discount
2 500 100 Provides repairs at 2% discount, links Lapis at 10% discount
3 1000 200 Provides repairs at 5% discount, links Lapis at 20% discount
4 2000 500 Provides repairs at 10% discount, links Lapis at 30% discount, +1% to link chance
5 10000 800 Provides repairs at 10% discount, links Lapis at 40% discount, +1% to link chance
6 15000 1500 Provides repairs at 10% discount, links Lapis at 50% discount, +2% to link chance
Guild Liquid Medicine Merchant

Useable by Rank 1-6 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides all standard potions / scrolls at 10% discount
2 2000 50 Provides all standard potions / scrolls at 20% discount
3 5000 200 Provides all standard potions / scrolls at 30% discount
4 10000 500 Provides all standard potions / scrolls at 40% discount

Also provides the following potions
Great Super Lv45 16,300 base price Restores 2400 HP, MP, SP
Untouchable Lv1 126,000 base price Invulnerability for 4 seconds
Restore Life Lv1 24,000 base price Restores 31 hp every 3 sec for 1 min
Restore Mana Lv1 24,000 base price Restores 28 mp every 3 sec for 1 min
Restore Stamina Lv1 24,000 base price Restores 28 sp every 3 sec for 1 min

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Light Dread Set Guide

Lv29 Glove
Quest Item: Poemas Mandolin
Location: The lake outside of vill, Julia Duiliun

Lv30 Shoes
Quest Item: Monkey Skull
Location: South of vill, Swordtail Sealakel Fighter (*Confirmed by Ithilidin)

Lv31 Pant
Quest Item: Empty Trunt
Location: Right outside the vill, orc robber

Lv32 Armor
Quest Item: Lens Bow
Location: South of vill, Priest Dunpmum, in middle of those swordtail sealakel

*In order to start the Poemas Mandolin quest, a previous quest is required.
Previous Quest has something to do with Creath Question(NPC) and Catherine Parker(NPC).
Quest Title: Fail Experiment(1)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

cant fine the mob

check this out


1-15 pvp stuff shaiya

i found this on another site

(1) lvl 13 Noble Weapon
Available at lvl 7'ish
Quest received from Narus Kiron in the Fanselenon Institute. You are required to investigate a missing person who disappeared somewhere near the Singing Tree.

(2) lvl 10 Noble pants
Available at lvl 9'ish
Quest received from Sharine in the Hunter's Camp. You need to collect Bear skins to complete this quest.

(3) lvl 9 Noble boots
Available at lvl 12'ish
Quest received from Alicia Irwen near Cornwell's Ruin. You need to kill some zombies.
Side note: This NPC gives you 2 quests.

(4) lvl 11 Noble upper armour.
Available at lvl 12'ish
Quest received from Ernest, very close to the location from where you get the quest # 3 on this list.
Side note: You're required to collect 5 missing firewood from Goblin sorcerers (Goblin Shamans) at the Rimus Valley. You get the Noble upper armour only if you collect 15 firewoods

(5) lvl 15 Noble gauntlets
Available at lvl 13'ish
Quest received from the Protection Merchant in east side of Keolloseu. You need to kill Vagabond bears.
Side note: This quest becomes available only after you complete the quest given by the Blacksmith named Duke Dephill at the western side of Keolloseu. The quest referred here requires you to collect canines from a different variety of Bears.

Good luck.


Carbofos wrote:
There's also Noble lvl14 crossbow from Eolith quest.

Yeah, that's confirmed.

You get it around lvl 14-15. The quest indicator appears between Unicorn Pons and Keolloseu. Eolith is a Leopardess who can be located by the ruins just a few hundred metres north of the quest giver.

If you're having problems locating Eolith from the group of Leopardesses, press the ~ key to cycle all of the available targets near your location.

Thank you for mentioning it, Carbofos. Smile

guildhouse up grade im working on

Guild Protection Merchant

Useable by Rank 1-30 guilds
Level Hire Fee Description
1 0 0 Provides basic armor (Lv36-46 + Lv43 shield), 5% discount on items
2 100 0 Provides noble armor (Lv15-18 + Lv13 shield), 10% discount on items
3 200 0 Provides worship armor (Lv29-32 + Lv25 shield), 15% discount on items
4 500 0 Provides heroic armor (Lv43-46 + Lv37 shield), 20% discount on items

Monday, March 1, 2010


* Level 1 Lapis : May be looted in the level 1-15 pvp area also known as Proelium Frontier, accessible from the Alliance of Light city of Keolloseu and the Union of Fury city of Gliter. Level 1 Lapis have a 41-45% Linking Chance of Success at 0 Blessing and a 46-50% Linking Chance of Success at full Blessing. It costs 4,075 Gold to Link at a Blacksmith or 2,444 Gold at a Guild House Blacksmith.

* Level 2 Lapis : May be looted in the level 20-30 pvp area also known as Cantibilian Borderlands, accessible from the Alliance of Light city of Arktuis Vill (Blessian Fortress), and the Union of Fury city of Starfumos Vill (Trineton Stronghold). Level 2 Lapis may also be looted within the dungeons which may be accessed within the 20-30 pvp area (they are faction specific). Level 2 Lapis have a 33-37% Linking Chance of Success at 0 Blessing and a 38-42% Linking Chance of Success at full Blessing. May also be looted from the weaker mobs in the 1-60 PvP area D-Water Borderland It costs 11,230 Gold to Link at a Blacksmith or 6,737 Gold at a Guild House Blacksmith.

* Level 3 Lapis : May be looted in the 1-60 pvp area also known as D-Water Borderland, from most mobs on the map, Tragos Cavum, and Water Dragon Lair (colloquially known as D1 and D2). Level 3 Lapis have a 25-29% Linking Chance of Success at 0 Blessing and a 30-34% Linking Chance of Success at full Blessing. It costs 22,945 Gold to Link at a Blacksmith or 13,766 Gold at a Guild House Blacksmith.

* Level 4 Lapis : May be looted from Bolderland NightMare (Fury Side), (Bolderland Leopardess ? (Light Side) need AoL to confirm) mobs in D-Water Borderland and from Skeleton Knights and higher mobs in Water Dragon Lair. Level 4 Lapis have a 9-13% Linking Chance of Success at 0 Blessing and a 14-18% Linking Chance of Success at full Blessing. It costs 137,880 Gold to Link at a Blacksmith or 82,727 Gold at a Guild House Blacksmith.

* Level 5 Lapis : May be looted from the bosses in Stigma Cave (Light Side) or Aurizen Ruin (Fury Side), and Medius or Ereon relic mobs (faction based). Level 5 Lapis have a 1-5% Linking Chance of Success at 0 Blessing and a 6-10% Linking Chance of Success at full Blessing. It costs 364,980 Gold to Link at a Blacksmith or 218,987 Gold at a Guild House Blacksmith.

* Level 6 Lapis : Level 6 Lapis come in two versions : Basic Stat (Str,Dex,Wis,etc) and Debuff. The L6 Stat Lapis can be looted from the chests dropped by Haruhion (Fury Side) or Freezing Mirage (Light Side). The L6 Debuff Lapis can be looted from the chests dropped by Fantasma Dragon (Fury Side) or Cloron Dragon (Light Side). Both have 1% chance of linking at 0 or full bless. Level 6 Stat Lapis also can be found as loot in Oblivion Island. It costs 479,980 Gold to Link at a Blacksmith or 287,987 Gold at a Guild House Blacksmith.

* Level 7 Lapis : Level 7 Lapis will also come in Stat and Debuff versions. These Lapis are thought to drop from the Cryptic Throne, but hasn't been confirmed yet. But we are 100% sure that Level 7 Lapis drops from new maps that are coming (not here yet, but coming) such as Oblivion Island Bosses. 1% chance of linking into your gear with full bless. No one knows if this Lapis will break gear except for the high end guilds, as some high end guilds have Lv 7 Lapis.

Note:- Level 1 to 5 Lapis Success has a 4% variation due to Player level (a lvl 60 gets an additional 3%) and Blacksmith used (Guild House Blacksmith gives an additional 1% if Upgraded). Lv6 Lapis Success is only affected by the Guild House Blacksmith (2% chance if upgraded).

These Lapis are the most common and affect a character (or item's) base statistics.

Craft Lapis - Raises STR
Safe Lapis - Raises REC
Mystic Lapis - Raises INT
Wise Lapis - Raises WIS
Shrewd Lapis - Raises DEX
Fortune Lapis - Raises LUC
Life Lapis - Raises HP
Mental Lapis - Raises MP
Vigor Lapis - Raises SP
Assault Lapis - Increases Weapon Attack Power
Deceive Lapis - Increases Weapon's Maximum Attack Power
Forbid Lapis - Raises Defense
Wit Lapis - Raises Magical Resistance
Endure Lapis - Raises Equipment Endurance